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Health Care Management, Master of

A graduate student works at her laptop

Saint Louis University's online Master of Health Care Management (M.H.C.M.)学位为在职的专业人士提供了一个方便的途径来获得研究生学位,他们希望在医疗保健管理方面推进他们目前的职业生涯. 这个独特的学位允许人们在职业生涯的各个阶段从其他行业过渡到医疗保健领域.

医疗保健是一个快速发展的行业,需要具有不同背景和经验的高素质管理人员. 博彩网址大全's M.H.C.M. 该计划非常适合那些希望灵活地快速完成学位并完全在线的学生,但也可能受益于获得额外的医疗保健经验或专业发展支持. Students who complete the M.H.C.M. degree will be prepared to assume management roles in hospitals, clinics, physicians’ offices, nursing and residential facilities, home health care delivery organizations, pharmaceutical companies, managed care organizations, government agencies and related entities.

Program Highlights

Key features of 博彩网址大全's 41-credit hour M.H.C.M. program include: 

  • All courses are offered completely online in a flexible, asynchronous format, 让学生按照自己的节奏学习,并在繁忙的日程安排中工作
  • 讲师在每门课程中设计实时互动的机会
  • Ability to pursue certificate programs in performance excellence, health data analytics, public health and other high-demand areas 
  • Flexible start dates in spring, summer or fall semesters
  • Short time to degree completion: Students can earn the M.H.C.M. degree in approximately 16 months.

Curriculum Overview

博彩网址大全's M.H.C.M. 项目是由卫生管理和政策部门管理的 College for Public Health and Social Justice. 除了获得高等教育委员会(HLC)的校级认证外, 学院获公共卫生教育委员会(CEPH)认可。.

总共需要41个学分(12门核心课程和两门选修课程)才能获得在线硕士学位.H.C.M. degree. 学生可以选择参加额外的1到2个学分的可选现场经验,或者参加学院提供的证书课程, in addition to completing the required hours. 该计划提供了一个灵活的格式,使学生能够完全在线完成学位要求, in a semi-structured, asynchronous format.

Within this structure, students enroll in one course at a time, offered in an accelerated format over four weeks, with a one-week transition between courses. Students work through the weekly modules at their own pace, 对于那些忙于家庭和工作的人来说,哪种形式更方便. In addition to the required coursework, 学生还可以选择参加专业发展课程, 通过视频会议软件与老师和同学互动, 并在他们居住或工作的地方附近参加医疗保健或公共卫生组织的实地体验.

Fieldwork and Research Opportunities

硕士学位不需要正式的实习或奖学金经历.H.C.M. degree. However, M.H.C.M. 学生可以选择参加1到2个学分的可选实地经验(取决于在实地经验中花费的时间). 对于以前没有卫生系统工作经验的学生, 实习或奖学金将使他们获得成功开展医疗保健管理职业所需的实际现场经验.

选择可选的实地经验的学生可以在不同的环境中这样做,通常会在他们的硕士课程结束时完成这一选项.H.C.M. coursework. 学生将与HMP专业发展协调员和他们的指导老师一起确定一个合适的实地体验地点.


Graduates of 博彩网址大全's M.H.C.M. program will be prepared for management positions in:

  • Hospitals and health systems
  • Physician’s offices and clinics
  • 社区卫生中心和联邦合格卫生中心(fqhc)
  • Community-based organizations
  • Managed care and other health insurance payer organizations
  • Nursing and residential care facilities
  • Home health care agencies
  • Public health departments
  • Government agencies

Admission Requirements

Applicants should have a bachelor’s degree, preferably with a 3.00 grade point average. The GRE is not required. Applications are reviewed on a holistic and rolling basis. 


Tuition Cost Per Credit
Graduate Tuition $1,310

Additional charges may apply. Other resources are listed below:

Net Price Calculator

Information on Tuition and Fees

Miscellaneous Fees

Information on Summer Tuition

Scholarships and Financial Aid

公共卫生和社会正义学院提供了几种帮助资助研究生教育的方法.  机会包括数量有限的择优奖学金和研究生研究助理奖学金.  奖学金颁发给在优先截止日期前完成申请的gpa和考试成绩最高的申请人.


MHCM学位的学习成果受到能力教育(CBE)原则的支持。. To that end, 组织课程和相应的学习目标,以解决在整个广泛的卫生部门取得成功的卫生保健管理所必需的能力.


1. Leadership: 领导人员和团队优先考虑平衡任务的目标和政策, vision, 组织的价值观与它所服务的社区的需求和价值观.

2. Critical thinking and analysis: Apply appropriate models and methods to analyze data, environments, and issues from a systems perspective.

3. Management: 展示在卫生保健和公共卫生环境中组织资源和管理责任的能力.

4. Culture and community engagement: 运用系统思维和社区参与方法与组织和社区合作,以改善人口健康结果.

5. Communication: 根据目标受众的需要创造、组织和传达想法和信息.

HMP 5000Health Care Organization3
HMP 5030Introduction to Health Care Accounting3
HMP 5110Health Operations Management3
HMP 5130Health Information Systems3
HMP 5190Analytical Methods for Health Management3
HMP 5200Health Economics3
HMP 5300Management of Health Care Organizations3
HMP 5390Ethical Leadership in Health Management and Policy3
HMP 5400Legal Aspects of Health Services Management3
HMP 5700Health Care Financial Management3
HMP 5800Strategic Management in Health Care Organizations3
PUBH 5010Mission and Practice of Global Public Health2
HMP Elective6
Total Credits41

Continuation Standards

Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 in all graduate/professional courses.


Courses and milestones designated as critical (marked with !)必须在列出的学期内完成,以确保及时毕业. Transfer credit may change the roadmap.

这个路线图不应该用来代替定期的学术咨询预约. 鼓励所有学生每学期与他们的指导老师/导师见面. 要求,课程的可用性和顺序可能会发生变化.

Fall Semester Start

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
HMP 5000 Health Care Organization 3
PUBH 5010 Mission and Practice of Global Public Health 2
HMP 5190 Analytical Methods for Health Management 3
HMP 5300 Management of Health Care Organizations 3
HMP 5700 Health Care Financial Management 3
HMP 5030 Introduction to Health Care Accounting 3
HMP 5390 Ethical Leadership in Health Management and Policy 3
HMP 5200 Health Economics 3
HMP 5110 Health Operations Management 3
HMP 5400 Legal Aspects of Health Services Management 3
Year Two
HMP 5130 Health Information Systems 3
HMP 5800 Strategic Management in Health Care Organizations 3
Electives 6
 Total Credits41

Spring Semester Start

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
HMP 5000 Health Care Organization 3
HMP 5030 Introduction to Health Care Accounting 3
HMP 5390 Ethical Leadership in Health Management and Policy 3
HMP 5200 Health Economics 3
HMP 5110 Health Operations Management 3
HMP 5400 Legal Aspects of Health Services Management 3
HMP 5130 Health Information Systems 3
PUBH 5010 Mission and Practice of Global Public Health 2
HMP 5190 Analytical Methods for Health Management 3
HMP 5300 Management of Health Care Organizations 3
Year Two
HMP 5700 Health Care Financial Management 3
Electives 6
HMP 5800 Strategic Management in Health Care Organizations 3
 Total Credits41

Summer Semester Start

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
HMP 5400 Legal Aspects of Health Services Management 3
HMP 5000 Health Care Organization 3
PUBH 5010 Mission and Practice of Global Public Health 2
HMP 5190 Analytical Methods for Health Management 3
HMP 5300 Management of Health Care Organizations 3
HMP 5700 Health Care Financial Management 3
HMP 5030 Introduction to Health Care Accounting 3
HMP 5390 Ethical Leadership in Health Management and Policy 3
HMP 5200 Health Economics 3
Year Two
HMP 5110 Health Operations Management 3
HMP 5130 Health Information Systems 3
HMP 5800 Strategic Management in Health Care Organizations 3
Electives 6
 Total Credits41

You may apply through SOPHAS or HAMPCAS

Apply for Admission Through SOPHAS

Apply for Admission Through HAMPCAS

For additional admission questions, please contact:
Bernie Backer
Director of Graduate Recruitment and Admissions 